BULLDOG aims to identify:
a) Young athletes vulnerable to bullying and bullied victims suffering secretly, young athletes with a predisposition towards aggressive behaviour and athletes who can function as role models in role playing activities.
BULLDOG aims to:
b) Educate young athletes, parents and coaches and organize anti-bullying role playing games on sports grounds;
c) Encourage participation of bullied victims in team sports,
d) Raise awareness regarding all types of intolerant behaviour in sports; and
f) Facilitate online communication of bullied victims with coaches and experts.

A) Young adolescent athletes (9-13 years old),
b) their parents,
c) Coaches, sports teachers etc.,
d) Sports federations, sports associations, schools & university teams from RO, EL, IT, IE, PT, SK and all over Europe.
TARGET SPORTS: Football and other team sports.